Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Malin has read 14 books toward her goal of 26 books.
As you can see, I didn't complete my 2013 Reading Challenge on Goodreads this year.

Last year I completed my 2012 Reading Challenge goal of 25 books (I read 26 books last year) so I know I'm able to read way more books than what I've read this year. I can't say that I've been that busy this year either so I really don't have any explanation for why I didn't meet my goal of 26 books this year when I read that many books last year when I was busier since I was still studying. But at least I have read 14 books this year! 
You can find the complete list of the books I read during 2013 and how I rated them here.

Since I didn't complete my 2013 Reading Challenge this year I will set the same goal of 26 books for my 2014 Reading Challenge.

436,757 Goodreads users participated in the 2013 Reading Challenge and 15,995 challenges were completed.

You can read my 2012 Reading Challenge blog-post here.